Beer: Time Bandits
Style: DIPA
ABV: 8%
IBU: –
Hops: Nelson, Wai-iti, and Moteuka
Brewery: Great Notion – Portland, OR and Brouwerij West – San Pedro, CA
Brewery IG: @greatnotionpdx and @BrouwerijWest
Rating: 3.25/5
Notes: This poured out with a huge head and tons of carbonation but when it settled and I drank it the beer just fell flat for me. Looking forward to more collabs with Great Notion and Brouwerij West.
Can art: Awesome. Do they do two runs of stickers with the cut out stickers? They are sick and layered on top of each other. When I compared it to another can they exactly the same placement so they aren’t random. Great job. Even the UPC bar code is in there on one of the dinosaurs. Brouwerij West always has those sweet cut sticker labels…
Drinkage: No date but pretty fresh after Great Notion got cans so should be good.