Style: DIPA
ABV: 9.1%
IBU: –
Hops: Citra and Nelson
Brewery: Green Cheek Beer Company – Orange, CA
Brewery IG: @greencheekbeer
Rating: 4/5
Notes: Almost a bit too drinkable for a 9.1%’er 🙂 This will get ya if you don’t watch out. Very tasty with lots of orange flavor and not too much sweetness. From the can: “Our love’s bud goes full bloom when the city lights fade away, and we can make out the stars that create the great Cheeky in the sky”. ” Drink while smiling”
Happy New Year!
Can Art: Really dig the constellations and design on the can. Colors, layout, and fonts all pull it together.
Drinkage: No date on can