Style: DIPA
ABV: 8.5%
IBU: 70
Hops: Citra, Mosaic, Armarillo
Brewery: Moonraker Brewing Company – Auburn, CA
Brewery IG: @moonrakerbrewing
Rating: 4.50/5
Notes: I’d call this a strong hazy. It’s not that the abv is 8.5, as that’s pretty normal for a
double IPA or similar, but this hazy tastes like an 8.5 or more. A lot of hazy / juicy beers
don’t taste at all like their percentage but this haze duz. It’s tasty and worth grabbing if you can.
Can art: Simple, clean, and minimal. I like the gold logo and fonts for the
name / details.
Special shout out to @bud358 for the beer trade!
What do you think about this Cloudy Judgement beer?