Style: TIPA
ABV: 10.1%
IBU: –
Hops: African Queen and Cryo Mosaic
Brewery: HOMES Brewery – Ann Arbor, MI
Brewery IG: @homesbrewery
Rating: 4.25/5
Notes: One of the better triple IPAs that I’ve had. Tons of citrus and zest flavors without being very bitter or boozy. Very well done.
Can art: Doesn’t get much more simple than that.
Drinkage: 28 days from date on can.
Beer: Cubbles
Beer: Cubbles
Style: TIPA
ABV: 10%
IBU: –
Hops: Galaxy, Citra, El Dorado, Citra BBC
Brewery: Cloudwater Brew Company – Manchester, England and The Veil Brewing – Richmond, VA
Brewery IG: @cloudwaterbrew and @TheVeilBrewing
Rating: 3.75/5
Notes: Boozy for sure. It’s tasty and has good flavors but it’s a bit too boozy and bitter for me. First beer I’ve had from Cloudwater and looking forward to many more.
Can art: Simple and clean design that’s low key cool.
Drinkage: No date on can.
Beer: Trying for Triplets
Beer: Trying for Triplets
Style: TIPA
ABV: 10.5%
IBU: –
Hops: Mosaic and Vic Secret
Brewery: Great Notion – Portland, OR and Hop Culture – Colchester, CT
Brewery IG: @greatnotionpdx and @hopculturemag
Rating: 4.25/5
Notes: Dangerously smooth and easy to drink for a 10% beer. Lots of tropical, stone fruit flavors.
Can art: Cool to see GN doing new art work for other artists.
Drinkage: Day of release.
Beer: Drastic Haze Tactics
Style: TIPA
ABV: 11%
IBU: 20
Hops: –
Brewery: Local Craft Beer (LCB) – Tehachapi, CA
Brewery IG: @Localcraftbeer
Rating: 3.5/5
Notes: Lots of flavor and definitely hazy but it’s a bit too much on the boozy side of things for me. I get it that it’s a triple IPA but compared to the other triples I’ve had lately this one is much heavier on the boozy taste.
Can art: Cool but nothing crazy.
Drinkage: No date on can
Beer: Biggie, Biggie, Biggie
Style: TIPA
ABV: 10.1%
IBU: –
Hops: El Dorado, Galaxy
Brewery: Monkish Brewing Co – Torrance, CA
Brewery IG: @monkishbrewing
Rating: 4.5/5
Notes: Can’t you see that high abv… Love those flashy ways. Certainly a triple. Can taste that high abv in there. Picking up mango and pineapple and this is a tasty with a lot of flavor IPA.
Can Art: Simple but nice.
Thanks for the hook up @abeerhasnoname!