????: Fruit Box – Axiom
?????: Sour / Fruit
???: 6%
???: –
????: –
???????: Sandbox Brewing Company – Montclair, CA
??????? ??: @sandboxbrewingco
??????: 3.75/?
?????: The can erupted when opened. It would have taken an hour for the head to settle down so I went with the large head. This Sandbox brew was a bit different then other ones I’ve tried. The flavor combo was ok but nothing great. Others have been much better. Sweet and not very tart or sour.
??? ???: Standard Sandbox Fruit Box design but it works. Stands out to me with the juice box on it.
????????: No date on can but wasn’t too old at all. Prob 2 weeks after canning.
????: Eveningland
????: Eveningland
?????: Sour
???: 8%
???: –
????: Mosaic
???????: Hudson Valley Brewing – Beacon, NY
??????? ??: @hudsonvalleybrewery
??????: 4.25/?
?????: Tons of blackberry flavor so I’m all about it. Tart and sweet for sure.
??? ???: @evanmcohen always has sick designs.
????????: 1 week after release.
????: Slushy XL Sweetheart
????: Slushy XL Sweetheart
?????: Sour
???: 5.74%
???: –
????: –
???????: 450 North Brewing – Columbus, IN
??????? ??: @450northbrewing
??????: 4/?
?????: Abvgate or not some of the flavors for the slushys are right on. This does taste like a liquidfied sweetheart candy. This one is wasn’t as crazy thick as some other slushys. Sweet and slightly tart.
??? ???: Slushy can with sweetheart candy… ????????: A bit old at around 1.5months.
????: Slushy XXL Nimbus 2000
????: Slushy XXL Nimbus 2000
?????: Sour
???: 5.86%
???: –
????: –
???????: 450 North Brewing – Columbus, IN
??????? ??: @450northbrewing
??????: 4/?
?????: Super fruity and nice. It’s similar to a lot of other slushys in fruit flavor. Super thick as usual. Sweet and not tart.
??? ???: Slight variation of the default slushy can.
????????: No date on can. Around a month after release
????: Sapphires and Rubies
????: Sapphires and Rubies
?????: Sour
???: 7.3%
???: –
????: Citra
???????: 450 North Brewing – Columbus, IN
??????? ??: @450northbrewing
??????: 4.25/?
?????: Really good. Tasty, fruity, well balanced sweetness and tartness. Only criticism is that I’d probably mistake this for anyone one of the tons of flavors of slushys. I’m not getting much hops because of the super fruitiness. Not a bad thing. Sweet and tart. Not bitter.
??? ???: $$.. the reflective print is fire.
????????: Less than a week after release.
????: Glycerin – Pineapple Peach
????: Glycerin – Pineapple Peach
?????: Sour
???: 8%
???: –
????: Mosaic and Azacca
???????: Hudson Valley Brewing – Beacon, NY
??????? ??: @hudsonvalleybrewery
??????: 4.75/?
?????: Wow. This is awesome. 8%… Love peaches in beer and this is just great. Sweet and slightly tart. Tons of peach flavor. Great!
??? ???: Always awesome designs from .@evanmcohen
????????: About a week after release.