Style: IRA
ABV: 6.4%
IBU: 60
Hops: ?
Brewery: ColdFire Brewing
Brewery IG: @coldfire_brewing
Rating: 4.25/5
Notes: This is a super soild IRA. Reds have a place in my heart as it was the first beer type to get me into craft beers. Malty, slightly hops, toasted tastiness, and filling. It leaves ya with a warm feeling and it’s nicely hearty.
Can Art: Love the lines and simple but clean ColdFire design. ———————————–
Red Ale
Beer: Retrograde Red
Beer: Retrograde Red
Style: Red/Amber
ABV: 7.4%
Hops: ?
Brewery: Falling Sky Brewing – Eugene, OR
Brewery IG: @fallingskybrew
Rating: 4/5
Notes: I grew up drinking cheap beer. Miller, Bud, etc. was the norm. Then one day I had a Killians Irish Red that changed my perception of beer. Since then I have a fondness for red ales and craft beers. I’m not too much a red ale guy anymore as I’m all about the IPA’s but there’s still a love there. This red has that dark, no joke, Amber color. Medium malt and little hoppy. Little nutty and very drinkable. Get it if you enjoy a red with plenty of flavor!
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