Beer: Haze
Style: DIPA
ABV: 8.2%
IBU: 90
Hops: ?
Brewery: Tree House Brewing Company – Charlton, MA
Brewery IG: @treehousebrewco
Rating: 4.5/5
Notes: tasty… A great drinking dipa which is “dangerously drinkable” as stated in the can. I get some orange in there which is super nice. Little sweet but not overly. Can Art: Standard Tree House can.
Had this Haze from Tree House? What do you think?
Beer: Atomic Betty
Beer: Atomic Betty
Style: DIPA
ABV: 8.5%
IBU: 70
Hops: Galaxy, Citra
Brewery: Moonraker – Auburn, CA
Brewery IG: @moonrakerbrewing
Rating: 4.5/5
Notes: Solid haze. Those citra hop taste in this beer make it oh so good. Can Art: Simple but nice snake design.
Do you like or dislike this Atomic Betty?
Beer: Bright
Beer: Bright
Style: DIPA
ABV: 7.8%
IBU: 75
Hops: Mosaic
Brewery: Tree House Brewing Company – Charlton, MA
Brewery IG: @treehousebrewco
Rating: 4.75/5
Notes: the pineapple and lemon lime taste from the Galaxy hops are great in this version of Bright. This one obviously features Galaxy hops which give some great flavor. Can Art: Cool trippy, single color design that fits this beer well.
Have you had this Bright from Tree House?
Beer: Tripping in the Desert
Beer: Tripping in the Desert
Style: DIPA
ABV: 9%
IBU: –
Hops: Cashmere, Mosaic
Brewery: Mumford Brewing – Los Angeles, CA / Pure Brewing – San Diego, CA
Brewery IG: @mumfordbrewing / @purebrewing
Rating: 4.25/5
Notes: Tasty DIPA that has the hint of it’s abv which many of these hazy/juicy ipas have hidden. It’s welcomed and nice but I’m not knocked away.
What do you think about this Tripping in the Desert beer?