????: Marzen
?????: Amber Lager
???: 5.5%
???: –
????: ?
???????: Wayfinder Beer – Portland, OR
??????? ??: @wayfinderbeer
??????: 4.25/?
?????: I know I post a lot of hazys and sours so it’s refreshing to post something different. Wayfinder kills it at these style of lagers and ambers. This one was malty, super smooth, and very tasty.
??? ???: Wayfinder has great art and style. This crowler is no different. Awesome.
????????: 1.5 weeks after crowlered.
Amber / Red Ale
Beer: Leadbetter Red Scottish Style Ale
Style: Scottish Red Ale
ABV: 4.8%
IBU: 23
Hops: East Kent Golding
Brewery: North Jetty Brewing – Long Beach, WA
Brewery IG: @northjettybrewing
Rating: 4.75/5
Notes: Wow this is a wonderful Scottish Red ale. It’s so smooth and drinkable that I want to buy a ton of cases of it so I can drink it all the time. Malty and toasty but just the right amount. This is one of my new favorite red ales.
Bottle Art: They have a great logo but nothing crazy going on here on the bottle. Straight to the point and no BS.
Beer: Chronic Ale
Style: Amber / Red Ale
ABV: 4.95%
IBU: 30
Hops: ?
Brewery: Pizza Port – Carlsbad, CA
Brewery IG: @pizzaportbrewingco
Rating: 4.0/5
Notes: Smells like roasted hops but not fully there in the full Amber flavor after taking a few tastes. Medium amber taste and very enjoyable.
Can Art: Can’t complain with the beach vibe that illustrated on this can.
Do you like or dislike this Chronic Ale?”