Beer: Flower in the Kettle
Style: IPA
ABV: 6.7%
IBU: 62
Hops: Mosaic, Simcoe and Amarillo
Brewery: Wayfinder Beer – Portland, OR
Brewery IG: @wayfinderbeer
Rating: 4.25/5
Notes: Nicely done Wayfinder. This solid hazy is easy to drink, lots of flavor and some bitterness from the grapefruit flavor and hops. Very tasty indeed.
Can art: You’re silver cans are tough to photograph Wayfinder but they are
super cool and legit.
Drinkage: As fresh as it gets. Day of canning.
Archives for April 2019
Beer: Slice Life
Beer: Slice Life
Style: IPA
ABV: 6.8%
IBU: –
Hops: ?
Brewery: Ex Novo Brewing – Portland, OR
Brewery IG: @exnovobrew
Rating: 4/5
Notes: Not bad at all. Another solid brew from Ex Novo. Some orange and pineapple flavors in there which taste proportional to the hops. Not bitter and straightforward hazy.
Can art: Gotta love pizza.
Drinkage: 20 days after date on can.
Beer: Cloud Drop
Beer: Cloud Drop
Style: DIPA
ABV: 8%
IBU: 60
Hops: ?
Brewery: Upper Pass Beer Company – Tunbridge, VT
Brewery IG: @upperpassbeer
Rating: 4.25/5
Notes: Nice and smooth DIPA. I dig it. Something in here, probably a hop or two, has a slight spicy uniqueness that is enjoyable. Looks forward to more beers from Von Trap, err I mean Upper Pass.
Can art : Nice and cool design. Almost like something I’d see in the walls of a elementary school.
Drinkage: Drank late on this one at 40 days after date on can.
Beer: Never Never Again Again
Beer: Never Never Again Again
Style: Sour
ABV: 5.1%
IBU: –
Hops: ?
Brewery: The Veil Brewing – Richmond, VA
Brewery IG: @TheVeilBrewing
Rating: 4.25/5
Notes: Really tasty and smooth fruit here. Tons of raspberries and flavor. Nice and thick.
Can art : Cool half tone art on here.
Drinkage: No date on can
Beer: Winter Coat
Beer: Winter Coat
Style: Winter Ale
ABV: 7.5%
IBU: 35
Hops: Fuggle and Sterling
Brewery: Stormbreaker Brewing – Portland, OR
Brewery IG: @stormbreakerbrewing
Rating: 3.5/5
Notes: Malty as expected and some sweetness but not too much of the marrionberry coming out which I was really looking forward to. The malt covers it a bit for me.
Bottle art: Kinda funny for describing the beer and such.
Drinkage: No date on bottle
Beer: Cirrus
Beer: Cirrus
Style: IPA
ABV: 6.5%
IBU: 60
Hops: Mosaic, Citra, Amarillo, Cascade and Huell Melon
Brewery: Hailstorm Brewing – Tinley Park, IL
Brewery IG: @hailstormbrewing
Rating: 3.75/5
Notes: First beer for me from Hailstorm. Not a bad beer. Right in the middle ground of hazys with not much sweetness, some pineapple and orange flavors and not too hoppy.
Can art: Makes sense as that’s a picture of a cirrus cloud. Cool.
Drinkinage: 31 days after date on can